Arcane Cereal Duel

Arcane Cereal Duel is a quirky battle game in which you play as a novice Wizlog who is a learner at using magic and spells. You are hungry and have spotted a tasty bowl of cereal that you fancy having for your lunch. The only thing is that the bowl of cereal belongs to the almighty Master Spirk who is a master wizard of magic.

You are that hungry that you have decided to battle him regardless. Although the mighty master Spirk may be stronger than you, you can outsmart him. Find a way of beating him to get your hands on that sacred cereal. Good luck!

Release Date

August 2018


Antonio Villmandos made this game.


  • A cute turn-based magic battle game
  • Cool artworks and animations


This game is a web browser game.

from Crazy Games


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